Sunday, January 11, 2009


Promised myself a lot of times to post, never really found motivation (first) and time (probably just an excuse) to do so.

A lot of time since my last update… Don’t want to be trendy, but it’s a good thing to do. Evaluation of the year that passed.

Each year during New Years Eve I try to imagine how the next year would go. I am usually bad with predictions – life brings so many new boxes of chocolates (rephrasing Forrest Gamp). 2008 was definitely not as I have imagined on January 1st but I was glad to sum it up on December 31st. This year had definitely 2 periods: you will laugh, but it’s simple as it is – first 6 months and second 6 months.

My last 5 month in Italy: craziness in the full meaning of it, events that brought me all kinds of emotions. A period of uncertainty, preparations, applications, final selection, can’t believe it all happened to me. That period and that life seem to be surreal now. I will probably remember the day when I was selected for internship for a long time, hopefully until the rest of my life (it went to my box of positive emotions that I keep for difficult times:)

Second. Moving to Germany – all stages of cultural shock again (no honeymoon stage though), hating German & Germans, hating Bonn, and rules of the company, being constantly sick in first 3 months. Gradually getting used, meeting people, finding balance, adjusting to a new life style. Glad to admit, that I like the way I live now.

Each year for me is made by PEOPLE, so as always I use this space to say thank you to people that had an influence (even if they don’t realize it :) in 2008: My family, Federica Rosi, Anabella Florea, Daniele de Lorenzo, Matteo Orsi, Dora Salemi, Alba Cauchi, Roberto Chiaravalotti, Sveta Muzychenko, Inna Kostyuk, Tanya Mykhailyuk, Ira Legka, Olka Urina, Anya Kovalchuk, Julka Khimchak, Olya Meniovich, Olya I Katya Semenyuk, Lera Yakushenko, Sveta Kroichyk, Nadya Lyubiva, Luigi Gallito, Mathang Sheshagiri, Douglas Eshitemi, Ioana Cretu, Leticia Chu, Federico Caliri, Sara Ramadoro, Dante Scogniamiglo (I am way too bad with your surname as always), Angela Palasciano, Giuliano de Marco, Giancarlo Tizzano, Alessandro Cestrone, Marcello Ciaramella, Claudio Casale, Danilo Borrello, Gaspar Ndabi, Dina Tuleova, Emma Zhang, Anna Radeva, Erdem Sephaneliologlu, Harshal Owalekar, Ketan Thakaria, Enrique Villalon, Jornt Depreter, Ali Sohail, Christian Murgia, Pretesh Soni, Schvonne Choo, Ana Lopez. Thank you for making my year!I do hope I didn’t miss anyone. In case, I did, shame on me!

Since I am a passionate traveller, I need to mention PLACES I have been to: my home city (of course:)) Dnepropetrovsk, Frankfurt, Milan, Palermo, Stockholm, Tallin, Riga, Cagliari, Oristano, Naples, Rome, Trieste, Prato, Pisa, Marina di Massa, Sora, Finale Ligure, Cassino, Salerno, Bonn, Rotterdam, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Dresden, Brussels, Leuven, Cologne, Paris, Hague, Strasbourg, Berlin, Duisburg, Luxembourg, Catania. Not bad as for 1 year :)

BOOKS that I liked: “Unbearable lightness of being” by Milan Kundera, “100 years of solitude” by Gabriel Garcia Marques, “Long walk to Freedom” by Nelson Mandela, “Siddharta” by Herman Hesse

that I liked: “Das Leben der Andern” (Life of the others), “The Bucket list”, The kite runner”, “A beautiful mind”.

Cooking food: different kinds of pasta, insalata di riso, melanzane alla parmigiana.
Languages: I did learn some Italian. What’s more: I acquired Italian accent!!!!
Life: I can do very crazy things; I just need proper motivation and company:)
Question without answer: I tend to make same mistakes again and again. When will I finally learn on them?

Want to write so many more things about 2008, but it’s time to look ahead. 2009 is already here! Promise to find time to write about my commitments for 2009!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Proud to be your friend

Congratulations, Tanechka!
AIESEC in Ukraine is lucky to have you as a new leader!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

It's all about attitude, right?

Long time no news. I don’t know why it always takes some time for me to post updates about my life. Probably it’s meant to be like that for my emotions to calm down (well, I always feel like blogging when I get emotional) and for me to re-evaluate my feelings, attitudes etc.

So now it’s about my recent trip to Italy….
From the very beginning everything was in Italian style which reminded me a lot my last year – a lot of things to finish the day before, packing in the last minute, sleepless night before travel, no space in the luggage.. I was flying from Dusseldorf to Naples. Guess what – my train Dusseldorf was delayed for 20 min. However, I was still quite relaxed since I was sure that they train will take me directly to the airport. It actually did – to the stop that was called Dusseldorf Flughafen (airport), but I had to take another train from there which took another 15 min of time, then of course I was smart enough to confuse my terminal, so I had to run for another 10 min to the right one. Anyways, I was on time for the flight, but the flight was not on time for me.. It was delayed for 1,5h which meant that I will not have enough time in Naples to get on the train. The funny thing was that I forgot my watches (2nd time in my life) at home, so I had difficulties to check time, especially during flight. I landed in Cappodichino 40 min before my train was supposed to leave from Central station. As always I had to wait for 20 min for my luggage, then Dante was “a bit late”:) and then we were driving in the way that I don’t want to remember to the station, but we made it in 11 min and I got in train just in time (well, also because you don't expect Italian train to be on time in such a day, ha?:)

I have no idea why but I slept so bad in train that I was already tired in the morning. I met Anabella in the train and we got off at Acireale – the small town where the hotel was. Italian breakfast – OMG, I missed so much a cup of cappuccino & brioche in a bar… I don’t know how and why, but in this small city in the middle of nowhere I felt more home then in Bonn.

We got to the venue and I had a slight feeling of déjà vu- people, venue and conference – the way I felt is inexpressable. We spent time around doing nothing which made me feel strange – in the last couple of years there were only ICs that I attended as a delegate. During all other conferences I was superbusy, superstressed, superinvolved and a lot of other « super » adjectives.
We went to meet Dany and Matteo in the airport and spent a lovely day in Catania eating arancini, cannolli, cassate, drinking coffee. You know, I felt I became completely Italian – food indeed means a lot for me. Needless to say that 2 days of conference passed like a second, even though I lost my voice and was not able to speak during MC report. I think it looked quite wierd to see me whispering to Dany answers for questions. A nice ppt made by Dany with position explanations for everyone. My favourites are : Pigna in culo (Matteo), Pigna in mano (Dany), Pigna Napoletana (Masha), Pigna in panza (Davide), Pigna terrona (Doretta), Pigna e basta (Alba). Haha, it was important to confess that I drink 4 cups of tea per day and that I had a rat in my bed!

On the way back to Catania, we were supposed to catch a bus at 4.00 pm. On the way to the stop at 3.45 we saw a bus arriving. I was puzzled – bus coming 15 min in advance is a miracle even in Germany. But it was not a miracle at all – it was just a bus that was supposed to arrive at 2.30 being «a bit » late:)P What else ? Unhealthy panini (pero buonissimi), pizza and pasta fueled me for another 3 months :) Beuatiful nature and great places (Rome, Naples – my favourite) definitely made my stay there.

There were definitely a lot of things that went wrong, or let’s say differently from the way I was expecting, added a fly in the ointment for my trip. I have actually experienced a strange feeling of empytness and sadness that I have never experienced before in the same city, in the same situation. But surpirsingly, after keeping me sad for a day it reinforced my feeling of gratitude for the great moments that I had before.
I can proudly state that I am not sad because some things, emotions and people left my life but I am grateful and I smile knowing that I was lucky to have them once in my life. In the end it’s all about attitude, right ?

Monday, September 15, 2008

Об отношениях

Опять не мои мысли, но занимательно. Читала давно, сегодня опять наткнулась и думаю - правильно или не правильно? вот с такими мыслями иду учить немецкий..

Он сказал: «Мне нравятся многие женщины, Я не могу быть только с одной».
Она улыбнулась в ответ.
Он сказал: «Я сам по себе, Я свободен и никому ничего не должен».
Она закурила и опустила глаза.
Он сказал: «Мне нравятся женщины, которые понимают меня, и ценят мою свободу».
Она ухмыльнулась и выдохнула струйку дыма.
Он сказал: «Давай проведем хорошо время, ты мне нравишься».
Она затушила сигарету и посмотрела ему в глаза.
Он понял, что она не возражает.
Он спросил: «У тебя, наверное, было много мужчин?»
Она обняла его и сильнее прижалась к нему.
Он спросил: «Тебе хорошо со мной?»
Она закрыла глаза и поцеловала его.
Уходя утром, он сказал: «Все было здорово, только давай это останется между нами».
Она протянула руку и смахнула невидимую пылинку с его плеча.
Он сказал: «Я как-нибудь тебе позвоню».
Она кивнула и захлопнула дверь.
Он позвонил вечером того же дня.
Её не было дома.
Он дозвонился ей на сотовый только поздней ночью.
Она позволила приехать только через неделю.
Он спросил: «Ну, как ты развлекалась без меня?»
Она улыбнулась и предложила ему кофе.
Он звонил ей почти каждый день.
Она иногда просто не поднимала трубку.
Он приезжал к ней, когда она разрешала.
Она не объясняла, почему приглашения были такими редкими.
Он понял, что хочет быть только с ней.
Он нервничал, когда она не отвечала на звонки.
Он выходил из себя, когда узнавал, что её видели с другим.
Он хотел, чтобы об их связи знали все.
Она была против.
Он хотел, чтобы она была только его.
Он приехал к ней с огромным букетом алых роз.
Она приняла цветы, но попросила больше не приезжать без приглашения.
Он хотел попросить её стать его женой.
Она сказала: «Я сама по себе».
Он закурил, у него дрожали руки.
Она сказала: «Я свободна».
Ему вдруг стало холодно.
Она сказала: «Я никому ничего не должна».
Ему показалось, что сердце остановилось.
Она сказал: «И Я не собираюсь что-либо менять».

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Sunny song

Why do songs stuck in smb's head? No idea! This one doesn't want to leave me alone for couple of days already! It's older then I'm, it's in Italian, it's not the kind of music I like! But at least it's cheerful, sunny I would say:)


Words here

Vorrei sembrare per te
un bambino
e camminare
con te per mano
vorrei sedere
dietro quel banco
e tu maestra mi parlerai
insegna pure come si deve
come si deve una donna amare
regina tu comanda pure
c'e' già la musica
per sognare
sciolgo le trecce e i cavalli
e le tue gambe eleganti
balla per me
balla balla
tutta la notte sei bella
non ti fermare ma balla,
fina a che
non finiranno le stelle
l'alba dissolva in tramonto
io non completi il mio canto
e canto te
intono musica canti e poemi
mentre tu balli ti sciogli
di più
l'acqua si beve per dissetare
mentre ti guardo muoio per te
nella tua pelle migliaia
di stelle
lo spazio cosmico e ancora
di più
dammi la vita dammi l'amore
riprova ancora e non ti fermare
sciolgo le trecce e i cavalli
e le tue gambe eleganti
balla per me
balla balla
tutta la notte sei bella
non ti fermare ma balla,
fina a che
non finiranno le stelle
l'alba dissolva in tramonto
io non completi il mio canto
e canto te
balla per me
balla balla
tutta la notte sei bella
non ti fermare ma balla,
fina a che
non finiranno le stelle
l'alba dissolva in tramonto
io non completi il mio canto
e canto te
balla per me
balla balla
tutta la notte sei bella
non ti fermare ma balla,
fina a che
non finiranno le stelle
l'alba dissolva in tramonto
io non completi il mio canto
e canto te

Интересное сегодня

Читала сегодня заметки друзей, в одной из них прочла нижепреведенную статью. Очень заинтересовалась тем, кто же ее автор . Решила поискать в гугле. Нашла ее на блогах сотен людей, на десятках форумов и т.п. Статья хорошая, но что мне понравилось даже больше - это те дискуссии, которые она вызвала. Либо мне повезло и я нашла несколько сайтов не с комментариями на тему "бандеровец - москаль", и не с восторженно - партиотической романтикой, а хорошие, здоровые дискусии на тему развития страны. Много занимательных мыслей пришло в голову.
Я не подписалась бы под каждым словом этой статьи и даже подставила бы под вопрос некоторые пункты, но прочесть ее стоит это точно. Да и автора интересно было бы узнать.

"Я не люблю сало, не ношу вышиванку и не знаю слов украинского гимна. Я не переплывал Днепр и не умею танцевать гопак. На моем столе не лежит “Кобзарь”, а на стене не висят рушники. Моя кровь красная, а не желто-голубая. Я не склоняю “пальто” и “кино”, и три самых важных слова я сказал на русском языке. Я - украинец?

Я болею за “Динамо”, за Кличко и Клочкову. Я видел эту землю из иллюминатора Боинга, но я вернулся. Мне не нужны неоновые города и силиконовые женщины. Я не буду жить там, где улицы без имен, а люди без отчеств. Я останусь здесь. Здесь земля еще не остыла от огня, и еще не стерлись на плитах имена незабытых предков. Здесь девушки читают в метро и пишут стихи на парах по термодинамике. Здесь на деньгах поэты, а не президенты. Здесь шутят смешно и улыбаются честно. Из сердца не вычеркнуть пятую графу. Я - украинец.

Я люблю узкие улицы Львова и Харьковские проспекты. Мне стали родными беззаботная Одесса, деловитый Донецк и легендарная Полтава. Я не верю патриотам на трибунах, но верю патриотам в окопах. Я верю в эту страну: я доверяю этому воздуху - он держит купол, этим горам - они держат страховку, этим людям - они держат слово. Я люблю стук каблучков по плитке Крещатика, скрип снега в Карпатах и шуршание крымской гальки. Мне никогда не забыть украинской колыбельной и поцелуя на Андреевском.

А еще: мне часто снится необъятное небо и поле подсолнухов. И мой сын родится здесь. Я - украинец! "
(с) неизвестен:)

Saturday, September 06, 2008


If you know me well, you should know that I'm very keen on reading! I try to read something useful each day, but I still have a big room for improvement - I read to slow! Anyways, that was not the topic, just an introduction!
I have noticed recently that I am bying the same kind books, which is absolutely normal, but I want to actually broaden my horizon and here comes the question! As easy as you can imagine - Which books do you like to read? Which pen/pencraft? And what would you recommend me to read?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

To my friends

Read today in German, translation follows.

Freunde sind wie Sterne - Du kannst sie nicht immer sehen aber sie sind immer da!
Friends are like stars - you can't always see them, but they are always there!
Amici sono come le stelle - non puoi sempre vedere, pero sono sempre la!
Друзья как звезды - ты не всегда можешь их увидеть, но они всегда есть!

Notes of an overstressed girl

My "Why's" and discoveries (nothing super deep though) of last couple of days...
1. Company give aways and presents that make delegates happy at conferences are the result of compromise between space in the luggage of coordinator. I just solved a dilemma between 3 T-shorts and couple more corporate gadgets.
2. Your manager has mood and time to talk only when you are in a hurry:)
3. I live in a small village now, which has advantages and disadvantages - I can make a tour to all shops in very short time, so I don't feel like missing something and during 15 min in the center you can meet a notable part of your colleagues from work:)
4. Italian is stuck in my head and I can't get rid of it... Instead of answering in German when I understand, I answer in Italian. I wonder whether it's good or bad..
5. Continuing the topic - I came to have my hair cutted yesterday to a salon. You have 1 attempt to guess country of origin of hairdresser, if I say that we spoke with him neither English, nor German, nor Russian...:)
6. I'm good in working under pressure, I like being positively stressed but not overstressed. I actually discovered what does overstress means - last week I had 4 meetings in the same day one after another. and then I had appointment with my German teacher before class - to be there on time I had to leave work 15 min in advance. I though that I did that, arrived to the center, went to a meeting place, but didn't find him there. Thought that he forgot, went directly for class, saw another group in classroom. Got confused. Discovered that not noticing it I left job 1h 15 min in advance instead of 15 min...
7. I'm re-discovering what does word 'freedom' mean. Freedom is to dress what you feel like this morning and not a suit as you should. Freedom is the opportunity to be nice to people because you want to be nice to them, not because your manager asked you to be nice with specific people.
8. The question that is stuck in my mind "why can I find time to post something on blog when I'm overstressed, 5 hours before the plane instead of doing it in other days?" any ideas?

P.S. Does the word 'overstressed' exist?
P.P.S. It's 23.08 and I'm eating smoked cheese with ham what I haven't done consciously for a long time. At least in my history of 'healthy life' in Italy! Yes, I eat vegetables and go to gym 2-3 times a week
P.P.P.S. I discovered one thing, I do miss Italy. But what makes this feeling even stronger is that I miss myself in Italy - my behaviours, attitudes and what is the most important I miss haptic feelings (тактильные ощущения) - not sure if it's right in English:) - people touching, hugging, kissing me. I only shake hands here..Mastering in that already:)
P.P.P.P.S. last one - didn't u get impression that I have tooo many questions in my head tonight?:)